PANTONE - RAL - HKS - NCS - KEIM color conversions
ColorLinker main interface
Color space conversions
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ColorLinker is a software application for Mac OS X which enables all color conversions of spot colors of PANTONE (Formula Guide Solid Coated Plus Series 2019 library, Goe Coated and Pastel Coated), RAL K7 (K5) library, HKS K, NCS Index 1950 Original (NCS S) and all KEIM libraries to each other and find the closest equivalents.
ColorLinker also calculates the deltaE difference between two colors in LAB color space, color conversion from LAB color space to sRGB color space and vice versa, RGB to CMYK and vice versa including color previews.
If you are looking for an equivalent or the closest color PANTONE for PANTONE Goe, RAL, HKS and NCS or RAL for PANTONE (PMS Coated and Goe Coated), HKS and NCS or HKS for PANTONE (PMS Coated and Goe Coated), RAL and NCS or NCS for PANTONE (PMS Coated and Goe Coated), RAL and HKS etc., this is the product you are looking for. It is available in our store.
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